Thanks for showing up!
For those of you who missed the event, the shop is open the following days in Christmas / New Year.
OPEN 10.00-15.00 December 27-29 and January 2-4
THANK YOU SO MUCH for a really nice event! It was really fun talking to everyone who came here! There will be more Events around the country in 2024!
For the sake of the unusual, I don't close at Christmas and New Year due to the order backlog that needs to be reduced in size and for things that are lagging behind.
The new Artist bass has really impressed the test pilots and it really is in its best shape ever in my opinion. Both resonant and stable in tone, pitch recognition is top notch and projection and dynamics are incredibly good.
The new PureArt bass has also been popular and created much interest with its unique construction and playing feel!
Just crack on building both bases and speaker systems for the next Event! 🙂 And for the order stock.
Many things have happened during the last year in dev of new speakers that's coming soon, I have built some of the prototypes now. The rest In January-february.