Total neck recovery
Here is the culprit. A compression truss rod that had glue on the threads from manufacturing where the truss had simply stuck and couldn´t be adjusted anymore. What happens is that the truss breaks instead. How this bass got through QC just amazes me. Here´s the other end (headstock end) where the threads were contaminated with […]

Wal pro 1 e neck rebuild
This Wal was totally unplayable when I got it into my workshop, these ones got severe neck issues including a warped neck often associated with the graphite layering under the fretboard. So apart from levelling off the fretboard I had to do some dirty jobs with this one, vacuumcleaner with dust particle filter was totally […]
Mike Lull neck renovation
This bass has had a few owners and I clearly see why when it got here. The problem was that the truss rod did not work as expected but it worked at the beginning and end of the neck. This due to some strange routing radius for the rod itself. And it turned out that […]
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